Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bale ‘em, Bale ‘em, Hay, Hay!!!

August 9th 830pm - We finished the packing & loaded up my brother’s car to head to the airport. All is well.

10 min later a call from an unknown number. It’s Mom, “I’m locked out of the house”. What?!?!?! Quick call to our neighbor and good friend Bob and a quick prayer that he still has a key, he does. All is well.

Arrive at the airport; get checked in, passed thru security with no problem, settle down to watch the second Nanny McPhea while waiting on the plane to arrive, all is well.

We board the plane, excited to have all 3 seats to ourselves, eye mask out, pillow sorted, Emma ready to sleep. All is well.

Pilot “Sorry Ladies and Gentlemen, we are getting a warning light. We will get maintenance out to take a look and we will be on our way”. An hour later problem fixed, pulled away from the gate and it’s the pilot once again, “we are experiencing engine trouble. Will get maintenance out again and hopefully get things sorted quickly.” An hour and a half later, “Ladies and Gentlemen we are ready to go.” 5 minutes later “We are getting another warning light; customer service will be at the door of the plane if you need to talk to them or make other flight arrangements.” 30 minutes later we are finally in the air. All is well.

Aug 10th 930am

We landed safely at Boston-Logan to a nice cloudy, humid day. We hit the Dunkin Donuts for much needed food & coffee. All is well.

We made it to the Cape, by way of the Sagamore Bridge. We checked into the hotel & then went in search of a beach. All is well.

Beach, dinner, showers, calls to see who is Whale Watching with us. All is well.

Aug 11th

No watching of the Whales for us! Little One woke up with a sore neck. All is not well.

One hour of calling chiropractors and we found one that will fix her. All is well.

Downtown Hyannis for the Duck Tour (Quack, Quack), lunch, the Kandy Korner for sweets and ice cream. All is well.

Time for sound check at the Melody Tent. Hellos and hugs all around. Mr. B did not list us but gave us an all-access pass. All is well.

Back to the hotel for quick swim and then to meet with Sharon & Shel. Dinner, Gig, Wine, Laughs. All is well.

Aug 12th

Little One wants to go to a beach and swim in the ocean. We say our hellos to Nana and Jackie, gather our things and head to the beach. All is well.

Back to the hotel for a shower, sound check thru the open window, trying to figure out the tunes. Dinner, beer, gig, wine, Little One & DC laughter ringing thru the house, good-byes, packing up the belongings. All is well.

Car packed, sleeping child in the car, SatNav set for Worcester for the feis. All is well.

Cruising on the highway, bale of hay from the truck ahead comes tumbling across the road. No time to stop, must get to the feis! All is not well!

Find the feis, park, check-in, dress, shoes, quick stretch & off she goes. Results posted, medals collected. All is well.

Removed the hay from the bumper, bumper pushed back into place, arrive at Sharon’s house, off to the farm and market, home to BBQ, S’mores made and eaten, kids bathed, fairy lights on. All is well.

Good byes said, car returned, flight checked in, plane loaded, homeward bound we go. Picked up, home, hugs all around to Mamer, unpacked, clothes washed, Emma to bed, school in the morning. All is well!

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