Friday, June 10, 2011

Emma Irish Dancing year 1 round-up!

Emma competed at the Grand Canyon State Feis last weekend, June 4-5th at the lovely Scottsdale Hilton. This marked her 1 year anniversary of competing. I'll start at the beginning!

In the spring of 2009 My Irish Dancing teacher asked when Emma was going to start lessons. I told him not for another year at least! He said, I want her in after Easter. But Chris, she's not 4 yet! So, she's had the influence from birth & she has you to work with at home. A year after dance classes Emma was ready to compete! Grand Canyon State Feis June 2010 (Tempe, AZ): Emma along with her friends Garnet & Gisela danced in the U5 1st feis. It brought the house down & the judge to tears! Jimmy Friel was judging & he said "this is what Irish Dancing is all about, the babies." Medals abound & many a 1st & 2nd place & she was off! Arizona State Championships August 2010 (Tempe, AZ): U5 Beginner Reel 1st out of 4 U5 Beginner Jig 1st out of 4 This was a crazy weekend. I had to drop Mom off & pay my respects at a funeral in Prescott Saturday morning. I raced, in lashing rain, to the hotel, got Emma dressed very fast & did something with her hair! 10 minutes later & she was on stage dancing. She did really well & got to play with all her Irish dancing friends! On Sunday we came to watch the older kids & Mom was having really bad arm pain. She thought she had pulled something using my drill to put up shelves. The next day was when she had her heart attack. I still beat myself up for not noticing the signs earlier, being CPR/1st aid trained for 20+ years! Phoenix Feis October 2010 (Tempe, AZ): U7 Beginner Reel 3rd out of 7 Moved up to Beginner 2 U7 Beginner Jig 4th out of 7 U7 Beginner Single Jig 4th out of 9 A good weekend & the feis was right next to Rula Bula so I could get my fill of their chips! Feis In the Desert January 2011 (Chandler, AZ):

U8 Beg2 Reel Didn't place U8 Beginner Jig 3rd moved up to Beg2

U8 Beginner Slip Jig Didn't Place

U8 Beginner Single Jig Didn't place

U9 Beginner 1/2 Slip Jig Special 2nd place!!!

This was a strange feis for me because it is run by my old dancing school, Bracken! It was nice to see everyone & they were SO excited to see Emma dance as they have all known her since she was born!

New Mexico State Feis February 2011 (Albuquerque, NM): U9 Beginner 2 Reel 4th out of 8

U9 Beginner Jig 4th out of 6

U7 Beginner Slip Jig 2nd out of 2

U7 Beginner Single Jig 3rd out of 4 Long, tiring weekend & Mom's 1st time flying after the HA. It was only an hours flight but it was tough!

Celtic Crown Feis April 2011 (Las Vegas, NV):

U8 Beg2 Reel 2nd (moved up to Novice)

U8 Beg2 Jig 2nd (moved up to Novice)

U8 Beg1 Slip Jig 6th

U8 Beg 1 Single Jig 2nd (moved up to Beg2)

Beginner Single Jig special 2nd palce!!!

This was the feis I didn't want to go to. I had already spent my reserves on my Mini-Me Rock N Roll vacation but for under $300 I managed to pull it off! Good thing we did go I as Emma moved 3 dances up & we found her a solo dress. The big joke was really on our teacher, Chris McGrory. I always asked him before a feis what he would do if Emma moved up to Novice before turning 6 & he said he would cry! He just so happened to be in Dublin for the World Championships when I emailed him the results. I'm not sure if he cried but he was well pleased!

Feile Rince Tucson May 2011 (Tucson, AZ):

U8 Novice Reel Didn't place

U8 Novice Jig Didn't place

U6 Beg1 Slip Jig 1st out of 5 (moves up to Beg2)

U8 Beg2 Single 2nd out 6 (moves up to Novice)

U6 Beg1 Treble Jig 1st out of 4 (moved up to Beg2 per the MP Math)

This is always a fun feis. The highlight of the weekend isthe Riverdance Special. a 1 minute piece! Our school came in 1st & 2nd!

Grand Canyon State Feis June 2011 (Scottsdale, AZ):

U8 Novice Reel 2nd out of 5

U8 Novice Jig 1st out of 9 (moves up to PW)

U7 Beg2 Slip Jig 4th out of 6

U8 Novice Single Jig 2nd out of 9

U9 Beg2 Hard Jig Didn't place

U9 Beg1 Horn Pipe 2nd out of 3

U9 6-hand Reel 1st!!!

U9 Slip Jig special 1st place!!!

Parent Child 2-hand 2nd Place All Ages charity Reel Special 16th out of 40+ dancers!

What a LONG WEEKEND this was! Being on the feis committee & being a feis Mom was tough but Thanks to Rosemary I just had to be feis Mom on Sunday!

2 months of no feising & we'll be back to back in August!

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